

Indian spices and Caffeine treatment for Obesity and Cardiovascular disease

Ian James Martins*

Published: 31 January, 2018 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 010-014

The global obesity epidemic that was previously reported [1,2] is now to worsen with obesity to double in 73 countries around the world [3,4]. Improving the health of obese individuals by dietary restriction, anti-obese foods and increased physical activity [1] has not reduced the global obesity epidemic. Obesity is linked to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) [5,6] with complications relevant to the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease [7]. Appetite control has become critical to endocrinology and metabolism with the apelinergic pathway and nuclear receptor Sirtuin 1 (Sirt 1) now connected to the endocrine system [8] and critical to metabolism. The apelin-Sirt 1 interaction involves nitric oxide (NO) [9] that is now considered as the defect [10] in the interaction between the peptide apelin and calorie sensitive gene Sirt 1 involved in NO imbalances in the adipose tissue, liver and the brain.

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Neuroendocrine system; Metabolism; Adipose tissue; Liver; Mitphagy; NAFLD; Obesity; Apelin; Sirtuin 1; Nitric oxide; Autoimmune disease; Caffeine; Cardiovascular disease; Curcumin; Cinnamon


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